Starting from:


Crown Chakra

CROWN CHAKRA - 7th Chakra

Color : Violet   ██

Frequency : 172.06 Hz

Chakra of pure consciousness, soul, creativity and inspiration.

Physical Dysfunctions when not balanced

・ Depression

・ Diseases of the muscular and skeletal system

・ Skin diseases

・ Chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments

・ Sensitivity to light, sound or environment (allergies)

Mental and Emotional Issues when not balanced

・ Lack of purpose

・ Loss of meaning or identity

・ Trust issues

・ Selflessness

・ Lack of humanitarianism

・ Lack of the ability to see the bigger picture in the life

・ Lack of devotion, inspiration, values and ethics.

Listen with headphones or with speakers at a comfortable volume and listen on repeat as many times throughout the day.