HEART CHAKRA - 4th Chakra
Color : Green ██
Frequency : 136.10 Hz
The Heart Chakra is the chakra of Love, Balance and Self Control
Physical Dysfunctions when not balanced
・ Heart conditions
・ Asthma
・ Lung & Breast Cancers
・ Thoracic spine
・ Pneumonia
・ Upper back or shoulder problems
Mental and Emotional Issues when not balanced
・ Love issues (can be a lack thereof)
・ Lack of compassion
・ Lack of confidence
・ No inspiration
・ Hopelessness and despair
・ Hate
・ Envy
・ Fear
・ Jealousy and anger
・ No generosity
Listen with headphones or with speakers at a comfortable volume and listen on repeat as many times throughout the day.