Starting from:


Sacral Chakra

SACRAL CHAKRA - 2nd Chakra

Color : Orange   ██

Frequency : 210.42 Hz

Chakra of Happiness, Resourcefulness, Confidence and Sex

Physical Dysfunctions when not balanced

・ Lower back pain

・ Sciatica

・ OB / GYN problems

・ Pelvic pain

・ Libido problems

・ Urinary problems

・ Impotence

・ Erectile or Sexual Dysfunctions

Mental and Emotional Issues when not balanced

・ Blame others for problems

・ Guilt

・ Money problems

・ Lack of power or control

・ Lack of creativity

・ Lack of morality

Listen with headphones or with speakers at a comfortable volume and listen on repeat as many times throughout the day.