Starting from:


Throat Chakra

THROAT CHAKRA - 5th Chakra

Color : Light Blue   ██

Frequency : 141.27 Hz

The Throat Chakra is associated with Communication, Balance and General Health

Physical Dysfunctions when not balanced

・ Sore throat

・ Mouth ulcers

・ Scoliosis

・ Swollen glands

・ Thyroid dysfunctions

・ Laryngitis

・ Voice problems (like nodules in singers)

・ Gum and tooth problems.

Mental and Emotional Issues when not balanced

・ Lack of personal expression

・ Lack of creativity

・ Addictions to drugs and alcohol

・ Lack of faith

・ Poor decision making

・ Lack of authority

Listen with headphones on repeat and listen to as many times throughout the day.